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StroomBalun en Mantelstromen
Invisible HF-antenna by PA3FXO
Component data
Introduction Li-Ion battery’s
Toroid Cores
1 – ESP8266 projecten
AJAX based NTP-server with ESP-01S-8266
ESP8266 Don’t use GPIO 6,7,8,9,10 & 11
Simple Webserver with WEMOS D1
Wemos D1 R1 ESP8266 UART communication
WeMos D1 R1 Temperature/Humidity measure with DHT11 sensor
WeMos D1 webserver with protected WiFi login and OTA
2 – ESP32 -WROOM-32E Projects
ESP32 Failed to connect to IDE “Timed out waiting for packet header”
3 – Raspberry
DNS server with RaspberryPi
How to use your Raspberry Pi as a wireless access point
Install WordPress on a Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi & Pro FTP server
Raspberry Pi & Pure-FTPd
RaspberryPI4 Gives Black screen Problems with HDMI
Setting up a Raspberry Pi as an access point in a standalone network (NAT)
4 – PIC = Programmable Intelligent Computer
K150 PIC programming board
Programming & Experiment Board Velleman kit P8048
Learning project for Control sw1 – sw2
Led chaser sequense
Acorn Electron
Macbook White
Poken onder dBase II
Interesting sites
HF Antenna analyser SARK100
Nano VNA
HESAI Mini Digital V/A meter VC-288
Li-Ion charger with discrete components
Non-contact Direct Current Measuring from a Solar System With a HALL-sensor
Programming stepper motors
SSB 6.1 TX/RX diy project
Tomado Toaster TM 1986 Repair
Software Defined Radio
Transceiver FT100
The Goertzel Algorithm according to Kevin Banks