;PIC-programmer and experiment board K8048 Velleman;
;Author: Henny Reudink
;Call : PA3BYB
;Data : 2016 januari 06
;Target device - PIC16F627
;Frequency : 4 MHz cristal
; Led chaser sequense Sequense reverse switch SW1
; Based on idea Michael A. Covington
;Version : 0.1
;Uitgang Ingang
; Led LD1 RB0 (pin6) Switch SW1 RA0 (pin17)
; Led LD2 RB1 (pin7) Switch SW2 RA1 (pin18)
; Led LD3 RB2 (pin8) Switch SW3 RA2 (pin1)
; Led LD4 RB3 (pin9) Switch SW4 RA3 (pin2)
; Led LD5 RB4 (pin10)
; Led LD6 RB5 (pin11)
; CPU-configuaration
; Processor PIC16F627
processor pic16f627
include p16f627.inc ;include standard header for
; selected device
; Setup and declare names
Jcount equ H'7F' ; J = address hex 7F
Kcount equ H'7E' ; K = address hex 7E
; Program start
org 0 ;Start adress is 0000h
; Setup ports
; The PIC16F627A/628A/648A have two ports, PORTA and PORTB. Some
; pins for these I/O ports are multiplexed with alternate functions
; for the peripheral features on the device. In general, when a
; peripheral is enabled, that pin may not be used as a general
; purpose I/O pin.
; The PORTA pins are multiplexed with comparator and voltage
; reference functions
; The operation of these pins are selected by control bits in the
; CMCON (Comparator Control register) register and the VRCON
; (Voltage Reference Control register) register. When selected as a
; comparator input, these pins will read as '0's.