Here I want to describe the Arduino projects that I have carried out. These will be projects to investigate the various boards as well as complete projects.
I also describe the specifications of the boards that I have researched.

The ESP8266 based BOARD (LOLIN) WEMOS D1
Wemos D1 ESP8266 based board
The wemos d1 is an Arduino Uno-like wifi board based on ESP-8266EX. You can use the Arduino IDE to program it.
There is a USB connector, note that its a micro type and you can use this and also OTA for programming. I used the USB cable, it was the easiest way. The board can be pwered via the usb cable or you can plug in an external DC source, in the range of 7v to 24v. I recommend 9v.
The table below shows the pins of the wemos d1, the main difference between this and the Arduino UNO is that there is only one Analog input. All I/O pins are 3.3v, so some arduino shields will not work and obviously be careful what you connect to these pins.
Pin | Function | ESP-8266 Pin |
D0 | RX | GPIO3 |
D1 | TX | GPIO1 |
D2 | IO | GPIO16 |
D3(D15) | IO,SCL | GPIO5 |
D4(D14) | IO,SDA | GPIO4 |
D5(D13) | IO,SCK/builtin led | GPIO14 |
D6(D12) | IO,MISO | GPIO12 |
D7(D11) | IO,MOSI | GPIO13 |
D8 | IO,Pull-up | GPIO0 |
D9 | IO,pull-up, | GPIO2 |
D10 | IO,pull-down,SS | GPIO15 |
A0 | Analog Input | A0 |
Be carefull!!!! All I/O pins are based on 3.3 Volt!!! The Arduino boards are all 5V
When using 5 Volt the I/O port’s will be blow u.
To be able to use the board, the Arduino IDE will have to be made known with the board. Therefore find on GitHub the file:
En load it with “Tools” in the IDE.