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StroomBalun en Mantelstromen
Invisible HF-antenna by PA3FXO
Component data
Introduction Li-Ion battery’s
Toroid Cores
1 – ESP8266 projecten
AJAX based NTP-server with ESP-01S-8266
ESP8266 Don’t use GPIO 6,7,8,9,10 & 11
Simple Webserver with WEMOS D1
Wemos D1 R1 ESP8266 UART communication
WeMos D1 R1 Temperature/Humidity measure with DHT11 sensor
WeMos D1 webserver with protected WiFi login and OTA
2 – ESP32 -WROOM-32E Projects
ESP32 Failed to connect to IDE “Timed out waiting for packet header”
3 – Raspberry
DNS server with RaspberryPi
How to use your Raspberry Pi as a wireless access point
Install WordPress on a Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi & Pro FTP server
Raspberry Pi & Pure-FTPd
RaspberryPI4 Gives Black screen Problems with HDMI
Setting up a Raspberry Pi as an access point in a standalone network (NAT)
4 – PIC = Programmable Intelligent Computer
K150 PIC programming board
Programming & Experiment Board Velleman kit P8048
Learning project for Control sw1 – sw2
Led chaser sequense
Acorn Electron
Macbook White
Poken onder dBase II
Interesting sites
HF Antenna analyser SARK100
Nano VNA
HESAI Mini Digital V/A meter VC-288
Li-Ion charger with discrete components
Non-contact Direct Current Measuring from a Solar System With a HALL-sensor
Programming stepper motors
SSB 6.1 TX/RX diy project
Tomado Toaster TM 1986 Repair
Software Defined Radio
Transceiver FT100
The Goertzel Algorithm according to Kevin Banks
The antenna page were you can find several articles about theory or practice of antennas.